Full Producer Membership

FULL PRODUCER MEMBERSHIP is for those who have a proprietorial interest in a farm enterprise, are in a farm partnership or a corporate entity with a proprietorial interest in a farming enterprise, or a person employed in the management of a farm enterprise nominated by that enterprise as their representative. A Full Producer member can nominate 1 Second Vote member and up to 50 Additional members. (1 Voting Entitlement)

Full Producer Basic Membership


A Full Producer Member automatically receives our basic Industrial Relations package. Our basic Industrial Relations (IRB) package provides you with assistance from NSW Farmers’ Industrial Relations specialist services including:

  • Collective representation - on modern award matters, minimum wage review, workers compensation.
  • Wage information - including wage guides issued annually.
  • Phone advice – 4 calls a year.


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($438.90 pa / $36.58 per month)

Full Producer Essentials Membership


As a member you can upgrade to our Essentials industrial relations package, with this package you receive the following services in addition to Workplace Relations Basics services:

  • Unlimited advice for any matters related to employment.
  • Assistance in liaising, negotiating and corresponding with the Fair Work Ombudsman's office.
  • Representation in employment matters handled by the relevant tribunals (e.g. Fair Work Australia).
  • Assistance with drafting and reviewing employment related correspondence, policies and procedures, employment agreements.

Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Employees:

  • 0 to 2 FTE Employees $165 (plus Basic membership $438.90)
  • More than 2 to 5 FTE Employees  $275 (plus Basic membership $438.90)
  • More than 5 to 10 FTE Employees  $440 (plus Basic membership $438.90)
  • More than 10 Full time equivalent staff? Call us to discuss your needs.

$438.90 plus essentials

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($438.90 pa / $36.58 per month plus Essential fee)